Sometimes I wonder whether there is such things as coincidence... Or was God really testing me? Maybe He's trying to test my patience.
But this time, things have gone too far... It's really unfair...
Something good better happen.
040: Lost Opportunity
Posted by Iqbal Mohamed at 1:08 AM 0 Comment here.
039: I'm A Monster Hunter!
I have not been giving my lappy some lovin' since the past few days. Because I'm currently hooked to Monster Hunter Freedom 2!!!
I was in national service when I played the first installment. This game brings me and the others closer. We could link our Playstation Portable (PSP) and fight the monster together. We could barely survive if we played this game by ourselves. Spent one year playing this game with them, and after I ORD, the game was still not completed! Yes, it's that difficult!
Recently, Sufian and Shafari (both my NS buddies) restarted their Monster Hunter era . I couldn't resist the temptation of playing it again with them. So I bought a new PSP (my first PSP 'died' last year, and my 2nd PSP can't be modified).
The sequel is wicked!!! There's a lot of changes in this one. Lots of new monsters, weapons, armor, etc. Probably will take a year to finish it (I hope not). Anybody want to join us in our monster hunting missions?
They are releasing a new one next week. Monster Hunter Freedom United! Probably I'll just play the current one first... This game is time consuming. And exams is in two weeks...
Gotta control myself.
Posted by Iqbal Mohamed at 4:14 AM 0 Comment here.
038: Final Edit
What do you think?
Posted by Iqbal Mohamed at 1:27 AM 0 Comment here.
037: TVRP
The shooting last Saturday went well. Here's my production crews. This was taken after a long day of running around. More pics in Facebook.
It was fun! The aftermath is horrible and chaotic (I'm exaggerating, what's new?). Proposal, scripting, scene-by-scene treatment. All the boring stuff, after we had fun.
The rough cut of the video is in YouTube by the way. But I'm not going to post it here yet. Just wait for the final cut (should be up by Thursday).
Anyway, I used to have Taek-won-do class on every Wednesday. Now my Wednesdays will be filled with a healthy activity again.
Going to gym. (Now that's new!)
Posted by Iqbal Mohamed at 2:26 AM 0 Comment here.
036: Model? Me? Oh, I'm Flattered... NOT!
Last evening, I was on my way to meet my group members for our television production proposal and stuff. We will be doing an outdoor shooting this Saturday, and I bet it will be fun! It’s definately fun than the essay that I have to do for Public Relations. Anyway, while I was walking outside Bugis Junction (meeting was at the National Library), a lady approached me. Introducing herself as “whatever her name is” and “whatever the fuck company’s name” she’s from. Turn out she’s from the modelling agency, and telling me I could model for ads and stuff.
I’ve always known that these people are always scouting for “talents” at Bugis, and two of my friends have been approached by them before. But hell, those two are good looking tall guys! When did a 170cm ugly hardcore kid fit into that category? I’m not like the two actor and actress in the above video (it’s the new Killswitch Engage’s video by the way, quite emotional, and somehow it gives me ideas on what to write for my essay, even though there's no link between Killswitch Engage and Public Relations, :-P).
I know what they are after. My money! My friend once told me that these companies will ask you to pay a few hundred bucks for a photo portfolio, in order to let the clients choose. We will only be modelling when we are chosen. Now, whoever the fuck will choose me?
I know you are desperate, especially in this economy downturn. But please, choose wisely. You will mislead the ‘looks impaired’ people, especially the ones who really wanted to be seen in magazines and posters, but lack the ‘package’ (whatever the fuck that means).
The only package I know is parcels from the post office. :-P
Posted by Iqbal Mohamed at 2:46 AM 0 Comment here.
035: No Halloween, But I Still Wanna Get These...
No, not the poster...
Me: Mama, look at these, nice right? Wanna get em'.
Mum: Ah??? Are you out of your mind? You call these nice?
Me: Nice what...
Mum: *sigh* All my sons are weird. You are no longer a small kid; you can get married already...
Me: Married?
I ask the wrong person, but I can't contain my excitement upon seeing those masks in eBay.
If I order all 9 masks, I'll be 900 bucks poorer ($900 includes shipping). So maybe I'll get only one?
And which one shall it be?
Posted by Iqbal Mohamed at 11:39 PM 0 Comment here.
034: Engage! (I promise, no more Killswitch Engage. This is entirely different!)

I received an SMS last week. It goes something like this, "Hi all, ***** (******) here. I'm getting engage next Sunday on the 7th of July. My address (insert details here)"
Well, he told me about it many months back. But damn! How come everyone is getting engage or married? Why??!! Don't go to the dark side!!! Not now! Wait till we are reaching thirty or something. After twenty-five at least!
Lucky for me, I'm currently hanging out with friends who don't have marriage in their mind (well, some of them are attached, so probably will hear some 'shocking' news sooner or later without any warning, and it will most probably start with engagement).
I got my dose of shocking news last year, when a friend suddenly decided to get married. I was like, "What the fuck?!" Not forgetting an ex-girlfriend who invited me to her engagement (invite me through her sister, expect me to come ah?). What happened to "Marriage? Not in my early twenties" philosophy that we used to have?
Looks like they are following their heart, and replaced the 'i' in Live with an 'o'...
Err.... I make it sound as if it is a bad thing, Hahahax!!! Nope, I'm not against marriage. It's just that every time I heard of engagements/weddings, it reminds me of how fast time flies and how much older I'm getting.
I want a cure to growing older...
Posted by Iqbal Mohamed at 12:32 AM 0 Comment here.