I received an SMS last week. It goes something like this, "Hi all, ***** (******) here. I'm getting engage next Sunday on the 7th of July. My address (insert details here)"
Well, he told me about it many months back. But damn! How come everyone is getting engage or married? Why??!! Don't go to the dark side!!! Not now! Wait till we are reaching thirty or something. After twenty-five at least!
Lucky for me, I'm currently hanging out with friends who don't have marriage in their mind (well, some of them are attached, so probably will hear some 'shocking' news sooner or later without any warning, and it will most probably start with engagement).
I got my dose of shocking news last year, when a friend suddenly decided to get married. I was like, "What the fuck?!" Not forgetting an ex-girlfriend who invited me to her engagement (invite me through her sister, expect me to come ah?). What happened to "Marriage? Not in my early twenties" philosophy that we used to have?
Looks like they are following their heart, and replaced the 'i' in Live with an 'o'...
Err.... I make it sound as if it is a bad thing, Hahahax!!! Nope, I'm not against marriage. It's just that every time I heard of engagements/weddings, it reminds me of how fast time flies and how much older I'm getting.
I want a cure to growing older...
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