Today, I was being an arse. It was one of the worse day at work. I was rushing the whole fucking day! Got me tired and sticky (the air-con was not helping). And the stupidity of some people there... How the hell can I send a shipment to the U.S. when the address given was routed to Mexico? I was running around like mad. And left the place late!
But still manage to attend class though, with my blood temperature still boiling high. Maybe I was being mean to my group members earlier this evening.
I entered class a little late, and the second I entered, one of them said, "Hey, we are discussing the 2 questions on the slide". *points to the front* Some market segmentation and product positioning questions. "Determining your target audience..." was all I could said. I just arrived and was still sweating (the distance from the MRT to the school is not that far, but it's the heat I guess). Apparantly we were supposed to determine the different segmentation of the audience, and our group was arguing on what was right and wrong (I think I started it). And I've had it...
Me: *Raises hand* Sir, can you explain your questions again? I was late earlier and didn't get to listen.
Lecturer: Oh, you can ask your group mem...
Me: I don't think they understand what it's all about!
N: I do..
I can feel my group members looking at me, probably wondering what was wrong. And the person who replied "I do" really DO understood them. If I'm white, my face would probably be red.
Break time came and I had a smoke with "N". We had a serious discussion on our project. Intially, I was planning to do an advertising campaign for Apple. I was thinking of a huge campaign (which I have not discuss with them). But he was worried if we used Apple as a product to market, as it is a huge company with track records of good and effective marketing, and we probably could not think of a better advertising strategy than the ones they are having now.
It does make sense though. At first I was thinking of waving it off. I thought of just going ahead with it. We need to be daring, right Then I realised that the others were sceptical about it too.
*Two weeks ago*
Me: I've decided! We are going to use Apple!
A: Hmm.... Why Apple?
Same reply from the other one. I can see they were having doubts about it. Even awhile ago, they were still clueless.
*Last week*
W: I don't know what to think about Apple. I know peanuts about it.
Me: Okay, you guys seemed to be having doubts about this. If you guys have any other ideas in mind, PLEASE, tell me! I'm open to other ideas. Just suggest something. You guys got one?
C to W: From his face, it's obvious that he wants to do this his way. So I think we will just go with it.
Woah! What am I becoming? Is this me? I was being authoritative! For some reason, I'm really serious about this project. Competitiveness was one of them. And where the hell does this competitive streak came from?
I entered class before break ended, and I told the others that I want a change in product. We really can't think of any. The remaining time in class, I kept thinking about what we should use. Was cracking my head like the nutcracker (what the fuck siah?). And I suddenly came up with the most ridiculous idea.
Me: Ice-cream!
A: What about it?
Me: You see those teens who like to walk around while eating lollipop? We can try to make them eat ice-cream instead!
*All with puzzled look*
A: Ice-cream on a stick? Like Paddle-Pop...
Me: Yes! Paddle-Pop!
W: Well, I like to eat that.
Me: Then it will be great! You should know about it and all.
W: I only like to eat it. That's all.
C: What's so special about Paddle-Pop?
W: The taste! Like when you put it in your mouth, oooh... Orgasmic feeling.
*All looked at me in a weird way*
I was just fooling around anyway. Eating Paddle-Pop will never be the same again for "W". :-P
I was still frustrated though, as I could not think of any ideas. "C" probably saw my shit face, and say, "Iqbal really looked damn stressed tonight". "Ya, work was shit"
After class, "A", "C", and I stayed for awhile, and came up with a fantastic idea. Just need to discuss it with "W" and "N".
Can't wait for it! But should I apologize for my behaviour? Do they really noticed it in the first place?
*shrugs it off* :-P
It's 2 a.m, and I'm crapping in here.
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