I find this really cute. That's my 16 years old brother, and his girlfriend. Oh, boy! This pic is taken from his girlfriend's Tagged site (my brother forgot to logged out from the site [he used my lappy]). I browse through the girl's site, and saw more pictures of my bro. My bro left a comment, saying, "My pic lost its way here" and she replied, "No, you're a part of me". I was laughing like crazy!!!
I remembered my first crush. I was in Primary 3 (9 years old), and there's this girl by the name of Nazurah who sat beside me. We were always quarreling, calling each other names and stuff. And I liked her! She was cute and funny. I never dared to confess (yes, I've been a pussy since Pri 3, but that's for another entry) . 6-7 years back I get to know a girl, who happened to know her as well. She said the girl is now a sweet pretty headscarved girl, but sadly, I never get to see her. Even this friend of mine has dissapeared (after I pulled a nasty prank on her), and the next thing I know, she's one of the finalist for The New Paper New Face a few years back!!!! Sigh!! The perils of being young.
My siblings seemed to be lucky in love. Damn, why do I have to be the ugly ones in the family? My parents are good-looking people (hence the good looks on my siblings' faces). I'm the odd one.
I'm really the odd one. I'm the only one who needs extra aid for my vision (contact lens or specs). I'm the only one who listens to extreme music (metal, punk, jazzcore, symphonic, mathematic hardcore, etc). I'm the only who don't eat seafood (yes, even fish!).
But that makes me different and unique! Well, that's not a morale booster afterall. Someone once said to me, "You're dark... Different and unique. They want someone normal. Just be who you are, cause people like you don't come around often." Hmm.... Sugar coated words?
Another one (former classmate) said, "You're the last person that I want to speak to. You look weird, dark, and intimidating." Well, that comment doesn't go down well with me, but it's an honest one. The one that comes from the heart. I can see her reaction when she wanted to tell me that. She was afraid to say it. I'm glad she did.
Time for a change?
Nah!!! I'm too hardcore to be a gay metrosexual freak. Maybe I will when the right one came along. But I'll make sure she accepts me for who I am first!!!
I'm not going down without a fight!!
Errr.... This entry was supposed to be about my brother!!! I've written out of course!!! Maybe because it's 4 A.M, and i'm sleepy....
(If there's some spelling errors or stuff like that, sorry!!! I'm half awake!)