What a week! I have not been sleeping well, due to last minute revision (myself to blame, I know, don't tell me). And the only subject I was concentrating on was TV and Radio Production. And the paper was great! Don't have to worry about that one.
But Public Relations was crap! Shit! How come no questions on 'propaganda' appeared??!! That topic was the one I concentrated like crazy, and the question didn't come up? The paper was shit, and I'm not the only one who said it.
But it's all over (for now), and enjoy my one week school break...
Wait... Don't think I'll be enjoying this coming week. At work, I'm currently attached to another location at Alps Ave (near Changi Airport Cargo Complex), and I'll be working alone!
Yeah, alone!
I don't mind working alone actually. But I can't work alone if there's a shitload amount of work! I almost screwed up big time last week (panic attack). But think I'm getting better at it, so I'd probably whine even more when I'm asked to leave that place (the guy who was supposed to be there had an accident, so this is a case of another person's misfortune, another person's gain).
I hope he will be on MC for two months. Hahahax! I'm not being evil, but you will still get paid if you're on two months' MC, so might as well he stay at home and rest, while getting paid.
Oops, I'm already late (for my Monster Hunter killing quest with my buddies!)
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